Lecture: Jewish Studies and Radio

Thursday, October 10, 2019
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM


Room 415, Humanities building
Department of Jewish Studies
(415) 338-6075


Devon Strolovitch, the producer of KALW's "Philosophy Talk" and host and producer of KALW's "Fog City Blues," received a Ph.D. in linguistics from Cornell University and is an expert on medieval Judeo-Portuguese manuscripts. He will discuss his academic background, how it led to his career in radio and how his academic background helps in his work in radio. This event precedes Philosophy Talk Live: Sanctuary Cities with Shelley Wilcox, Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University, on Monday, October 14. The event is part of the Department of Jewish Studies' #JewishStudiesAnd lecture series, which explores how university degrees can serve as a springboard for a wide range of careers. Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. Co-sponsored by the departments Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Communications, English Language and Literature and Philosophy; the Linguistics Program; and the School of Music.


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