Social Pedagogy Plus: A Model for Addressing Sensitive Social Issues in the Classroom

Thursday, April 5, 2018
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM


LIB 242
College of Health & Social Sciences
Mickey Eliason


Social Justice Pedagogy Plus (SJP+) is an educational model that was developed by an interdisciplinary team of faculty to improve engagement and sense of belongingness in undergraduate research methods and statistics classes, and ultimately, in ones major. It also offers a systematic approach to infusing a class with social justice content and pedagogy. We will present a step-by-step model for implementing changes to any undergraduate course with an eye to social justice topics, democratic classes, community-building activities, and reducing triggering and alienating features of classes that affect student engagement, particularly for students from underrepresented groups. This workshop is part of "A Year of Conversation" and will also be offered on April 19 and May 3. Register at tiny


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