Opening reception: NVM (never-mind)

Thursday, October 12, 2017
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM


AS Art Gallery, Cesar Chavez Student Center, T-134
AS Art Gallery
AS Art Gallery


Join us for the opening reception of Macro Waves Collectives exhibition, NVM (never-mind) on Oct. 12 from 69pm. We'll be presenting. -->Moods will be shifting by DJ sets from Das Boots and Joog Mac (CheatDay/Macro Waves Collective). -->Special collaboration piece with live sound composer, Joshua Icban and Special Guest dancer/performer. -->Limited run of new MENU TASTERs from Milktooth Pop up Kitchen! -->Special Zine Release About: NVM (Never-Mind) embarks on a journey into the uncharted realms of the human psyche. The phrase Never Mind denotes the forget it attitude which tends to be perpetuated when forced to address common mental health problems. The acronym NVM brings attention to modern-aged tech culture and the heavy reliance of abbreviations, creating a new culture of limited attention spans and unresponsive communication which impairs the minds ability to process thoughts and emotions. Macro Waves reimagines the subconscious mind by utilizing installation and performance art as a platform to confront external and internal forces that affects mental health. Drawing inspiration from the philosophy of yin and yang, the three installations form a dichotomous representation of the chemicals cortisol (black space) and serotonin (white space), while highlighting the connections and balance established through the central neural network. Influenced by Japanese bondage and internet culture, the cortisol installation alludes to symbols of masochism and sadism, dissecting the escapist mentality associated with traumatic experiences. Comparatively, the serotonin installation triggers the opposing emotions associated with safety, comfort and bliss, while inducing complacent behaviors and attitudes. Emphasizing the fundamental presence of two varying chemicals, the exhibition strives to activate a psycho-emotional healing state in all individuals, bringing forth self awareness, self control and balance in our mental health. NVM exposes the normalized, addictive and self-sought practices of self-deprecation, commonly ingrained into the unconscious identity of everyday people.


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