Lecture: State, Development and Political Geography in Contemporary Turkey

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM


International Relations Briefing Room (Room 281), Humanities building
Journalism Department, International Relations Department
Journalism Department
(415) 338-1689


Faik Gur is assistant professor in the School of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations at Ozyegin University. Drawing on historical and sociological accounts, this talk will shed light on the relationship between politics and economy in contemporary Turkey. To understand modern Turkey and its response to global issues, one must follow the way in which the business class emerged and accumulated capital, and the type of enterprises and value chains they generated since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, Professor Gur says. Understanding "business history" is one of the most essential ways of making sense out of what happened in the last two decades in Turkey.


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