Thursday, February 04, 2016
Time: 05:00 AM
- 08:00 AM

Location: Cesar Chavez Student Center Art Gallery

Cost: Free


Sponsor: Cesar Chavez Student Center

Contact: Free

Exhibition: Thursday, Feb. 4-Feb. 25 Opening Reception: Thursday, Feb. 4, from 5 to 8 p.m. In collaboration with the League of Filipino Students at San Francisco State University, Resiliencies: Poetics of Filipino Diaspora, celebrates the vigor and resistance of the Filipino people on the 30th Anniversary month of the People Power Revolution on Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) in the Philippines. February 26, 1986, marked the end of President Ferdinand Marcoss tyranny and dictatorship; succeeded by demonstrating without any bloodshed or violence. Resiliencies is a diasporic narration of varied experiences aiming to make interpersonal connections with artists and their cultures history. Collectively, ideas reflecting the lasting effects of colonization, oppression, and social justice movements are evident. Artists: Michael Arcega, Kim Arteche, Reynaldo Cayetano Jr., Gerilya Collective, Mona Jane Marcos, Justin Pastores, Elaine Villasper-Dizon, Jennifer Wofford Performances by: Mo Risk Rich, JThea League of Filipino Students (LFS) SFSU Mission Statement: We focus to deepen our understanding of the concrete connections between Filipinos in the United States and in the homeland by studying and propagating the rich and proud revolutionary heritage of our peoples continuing struggle for liberation and national democracy. We take it upon ourselves as youth and students to renew our Filipino culture and history, define our present situation as Filipinos all over the world, come to a proper understanding of how to remedy our current condition, and take action.


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